To learn who you may be reading about in the future, in most cases, on any series page listing, I’ll share where I am (or may) be going with that series or a possible spin-off, including characters I see having books. I gotta tell you, it is not a hardship to hear from a reader that they fell in love with someone in my books and they want to know more. I just know that someday I will! I have a certain character in one of your books I’d love to see have a story, how do I find out if they’re going to get one? So if a story isn’t featured on my home page or on the coming soon page, then I don’t know when I’ll get to it. This website is updated as frequently as we can carve out some time to update it. If there isn’t a note to say a book is in the works or what the release date is, then I also don’t know when a certain story is going to be coming. I try to do my best to be certain to add as much information as there is available so you’ll know what to expect…and when to expect it. There you’ll find information on what’s coming up next or what’s on my mind to include in the series or, alas, if a series has concluded. If you’re not already a follower of mine, please join in! The more, the merrier! How do I know what future books to expect in certain series?Ĭheck the What’s Next section on the series page on this website. Follow one, follow all, but somewhere along the line, you’ll get all the info there is to have. In other words, I work hard to get the news out to my Chicklets by any means available. Last, you can follow my author page on Amazon, or become a follower of mine on BookBub, and those platforms help spread the news about what’s happening in the KA book world. Then there’s my Pinterest page where I share images that gave me inspiration, book covers, memes I think are funny or speak to my soul! Though, for those who go the extra mile and subscribe to my newsletter, although I don’t send newsletters out often in order not to clog up your inboxes, I do try to add something juicy, hear-it-first-there news for subscribers. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are where you’ll hear first about new downloadable teaser chapters, where I unveil my book covers and where I announce giveaways, sales, etc. I also keep readers informed through social media sites and my newsletter.

I announce on the homepage of this website what’s been recently published and what’s up next.

(Please click on the “+” below to get the answers to the questions listed.) Upcoming Release How can we know when to expect new books coming out? If your favorite character isn’t mentioned, alas, they’re not on radar to get a book. Check each series page (you can find them all under the Titles section) and you’ll see what I intend to do…or not.

The most frequent questions I get are about if so-and-so will get a book.